Elephants glazed onyx black

Elephants glazed dusty rose

Elephants glazed Indian blue

Elephants glaze ivory

Elephants with cursive holes

Elephants glazed Osage brown

Elephants glazed matte yellow

The herd of elephants shakers

Compare shaker to Frankoma elephant

Back button

Elephants glazed prairie green

Elephants glazed rosetone

Elephants glazed royal blue

Elephants glazed sivler sage

Elephants glazed sky blue

Elephants glazed white sand

Fake elephants

Compare shaker to Gracetone elephant

Elephant Shakers #160H: 1942

      The 160H elephants are one of the most desired Frankoma shaker pairs.  They may not be as cute as the #166H bulls, but they are more difficult to find.  This is a circus style pose which Frankoma also made in a miniature animal shape with only very slight modifications.  The miniature animal version comes in two sizes but with one exception the shaker sets all seem to be the same size and design.

The elephants are sturdy and difficult to damage.  These are usually found in prairie green, but the 1942 only glazes are also available—just be ready to part with a goodly portion of you life’s savings!  They should be available in  patina (prairie green after 1944), old gold (desert gold after 1944,) early matte yellow, Osage brown, fawn brown, blue-grey jade (maybe), turquoise, onyx black, ivory, white sand, silver sage, royal blue, dusty rose, Indian blue (peacock blue after 1944), rosetone (desert rose), sky blue, and early matte yellow.